Friday, December 21, 2007

2.8: Stars and Dust through Baade's Window

There are billions of stars in the direction of the center of the Milky Way. These stars are also billions of years old. Some are almost as old as the Galaxy. Interstellar dust combines with these stars to create this yellowish starscape. Although the dust does not let much visible light through. There is a low density hole in the dust. It is located on the right side of the photo. This area is called Baade's Window, named after the astronomer who studied it. This hole allows scientists to study stars and the internal geometry of the Galaxy.

Friday, December 14, 2007

2.7: A Jet from the Sun

Our sun emits powerful winds that can even effect satellites orbiting Earth. Although scientist are still debating, it is thought that these winds are caused by Alfvén waves. These waves are formed the sun's magnetic fireld. New images, showing an average of 240 daily plasma jets, support this thesis. The plasma jets fuel the Alfvén waves. The jets and waves are formed when constantmagnetic field lines suddenly shift and drag protons and electons with them. Bright spots are particularly energetic regions or the sun.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

2.6: Star Trails at Dawn

This picture was created as the Earth rotated on its axis. Over a period of time the camera to picked up the trails of the stars. The striaghtish lines show the stars close to clestial equator. Orion, Sirius, and Venus are three objects found in the picutre. This photo was taken by combining 477 consecutive 30 second digital exposures recorded over 4.3 hours.

Friday, November 30, 2007

2.5: An Iridescent Cloud Over Colorado

This photo is of an iridescent cloud. When parts of a cloud are thin and are made of small water droplets, diffraction causes them to show the whole spectrum of colors. The water droplets in the cloud are small and about the same size. The sun needs to be behind thick clouds, and the droplets of the thin cloudsc coherently diffract the incoming light. Many clouds originate with a region made of uniform, small water droplets; however, these clouds become to thick or too far away from the sun to show brilliant colors.

Friday, November 16, 2007

2.4: Cosmic Rays from Galactic Centers

Cosmic rays are energetic particles that originate in space and impact the Earth's atmosphere. This picture comes from the Pierre Auger Observatory. It is the world's foremost cosmic ray observatory. These rays are made of protons, electorns, and ionized nuclei of light elements. A ultra-high-energy cosmic ray has extreme kinetic energy. Its energy is more than its rest mass and the amount of energy of other typical cosmic rays. Sometimes the energy can be greater than the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit.

Friday, November 9, 2007

2.3: Comet Holmes Grows a Tail

This picture is of the Comet Holmes. As the ice of the comet nucleaus evaporates, it expands into a large cloud around the comet. This atmosphere around the comet is called the coma, and Comet Holmes' coma is green. The comet has also now formed a blue ion tail. About two weeks ago, Comet Holmes unexpectidly got much brighter. It can now be seen with the unaided eye.

Friday, November 2, 2007

2.2: Noctilucent Clouds Over Sweden

These clouds are Noctilucent clouds; they are the highest clouds found in the mesoshpere. You can only see these clouds when the sun is below the hozion and the lower parts of the atmosphere are in shadow; otherwise, they are too faint to see. This picture was taken around dusk in Vallentuna, Sweden. Scientists believe these clouds are made of small ice-coated particles; however, scientists still do not know much about these types of clouds.

Friday, October 26, 2007

2.1: IC 5067 in the Pelican Nebula

The picture is of the emission IC 5067 or the Pelican Nebula. It is an Emission Nebula and is about 2,000 light-years away. If you are trying to find it in the sky, it is NE of Denep in the constellation Cygnus. In the clouds of the nebula, you can see newly forming stars. There are also dark areas in the nebula; these are clouds of cool gas that are formed from the wind and radiation from stars. It is a false color picture converting the emission lines of the atoms to a color palette.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Observations the first week of school

I made observations the first week of school of Antares, Jupiter, and the moon. I went out the nights of the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. I also went out at approx 9:30 all three night; Jupiter was above Antares forming a line almost perpendicular to Earth. Over the three days, the moon moved to the left and was waxing. It was just about half full on the 20th. On the 21st, all three objects almost made a straight line. The other two nights they formed isosceles triangles.

Past Observation: 9/15/07

I went out on 9/15 and tried to find some of the constellations on the summer sheet. However, there is some of light pollution in my neighborhood that makes it harder to see. However, I was able to find Scorpius, the "teapot", the summer triangle, Ophiuchus, and Hercules. :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt in Swabia. Kepler was always a very religious man and he believed God created the universe in a mathematical arrangement. He used mathematics to try and understand God’s plan. He attended the protestant University of Tuebingen where he was exposed to astronomy. His Astronomy professor was Michael Maestlin. Although Maestlin taught the Ptolemaic system, he secretly believed in Copernicus's heliocentric system. Kepler also believed in the Copernican view and defended it publicly. Therefore, he was not offered a teaching position at his alma mater. The church did not want him encouraging students to believe in the Copernican system. In 1594 he was offered a teaching position in Graz, Styria. Unfortunately, the school was closed in 1598 by the Archduke Ferdinand of Hapsburg. The Archduke was Catholic and supported the counterreformation. Consequently, the next year he was given the choice of converting to Catholicism or being kicked out of Austria. He tried to go back to Tuebingen, but they did not want him because he believed in the Copernican system. Luckily, Tycho Brahe invited him to come and work with him in Prague. Kepler departed for his new job on January 1, 1600. Brahe believed in the Ptolemaic system of the universe and kept his data from his assistants. He did not want his observations used to try and support Copernican views. In 1601, Brahe died of a bladder infection and Kepler succeeded Brahe as Imperial Mathematician. Kepler held this position until 1612. Kepler fought to get access to Brahe’s data, and finally got access to the data on Mars. Kepler used the Mars data to try and predict where the plant would be in a circular orbit. After countless calculations he could never determine the correct spot. However, when he used the data to determine the planets location with an elliptical orbit, he was able to predict the correct location. From his work he developed three laws of planetary motion:

1. The path of each planet about the sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.

2. Each planet moves so that an imaginary line drawn from the Sun to the planet

sweeps out equal are in equal periods of time.

3. The ratio of the squares of the periods (the time needed for one revolution

about the Sun) of any two planets revolving about the Sun is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances from the Sun.

In 1610, Kepler read about Galileo findings with the telescope. He immediately wrote a letter of support entitled Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo or Conversation with the Sidereal Messenger. He eventually found a telescope to use and published his observations of Jupiter’s satellites. Kepler’s support was very helpful since people were very skeptical of Galileo’s findings. The telescope Galileo designed had a convex lense with a concave lens for the eyepiece. In 1611, Kepler published a new design of telescope with two convex lenses. It is such a good design we refer to it just as the astronomical telescope instead of the Keplerian telescope. Kepler’s mother was accused of being a witch during the witch hunts from 1615-1616. In t1620 Kepler defended her at her trial and she was finally set free. In addition to his astronomy achievements, Kepler also had a family life; he married Barbara Müller on April 27, 1597 and they had three children together: Susanna, Friedrich, and Ludwig. Kepler was an incredible man who greatly contributed to our understanding of the universe

Works Cited

Ferguson, Kitty. Tycho & Kepler: The Unlikely Partnership That Forever Changed

Our Understanding of the Heavens. New York: Walker & Company, 2002.

Johannes Kepler. 10 Oct. 2007 <


Field, J. V. Johannes Kepler. April 1999. School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of St Andrews, Scotland. 10 Oct. 2007 <>.

Fowler, Michael. Johannes Kepler. 1996. 10 Oct. 2007


The Galileo Project: Johannes Kepler. 1995. 10 Oct. 2007


1.7: NASA Picture of the Day - Aurora, Stars, Meteor, Lake, Alaska

This is a picture of an aurora flap over one of the Chena Lakes in North Pole Alaska. A piture such as this is unusual for this time of year since the lakes usually freeze over that far north. The lake will not reflect the light if it is frozen. Auroras are caused by solar winds blowing past Earth. If you look closely you can also see a meteor straeaking by below the aurora and the Pleiades star cluster.

Friday, October 5, 2007

1.6 NASA Picture of the Day: 50th Anniversary of Sputnik: Traveling Companion

Sputnik was first launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. It is just crazy that it is Sputnik's 5oth anniversary; we have only been able to send technology into space for half a century! Sputnik sent a continuous signal to Earth for 23 days. Sputnik means "traveling companion". Sputnik was launched during the Cold War and scared the US into the Space race. Sputnik was a significant achievment that changed the world.

Friday, September 28, 2007

1.5:NASA APOD - Saguaro Moon

I think this picture of the full moon is just beautiful. This full moon before the autumnal equinox in commonly called the Harvest Moon. It is named the Harvest Monn because it is said that farmers would work into the night harvesting by moonlight. The ecliptic is making a very narrow angle with the horizon causing the moon to "rise" unusually fast. It is a relatively short time from sunset to the moonrising; therefore, there is not a long period of darkness.

Friday, September 21, 2007

1.4 - NASA Picture of the Day

This is a picture of the Coronet Cluster in Corona Australis and is 420 light-years away. X-rays and infrared from the stars were combined to form this picture. The cluster contains a couple dozen young stars that are at different stages of development. The cluster is one of the closest and most active star forming regions. The wavelength view spans two light-years and was made by the Chandra Observatory and the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Friday, September 14, 2007

1.3 - NASA Picture of the Day September 12: Six Rainbows Across Norway

Although rainbows are often associated with magic and pots of gold, they are actually caused by refraction and reflection. Sometimes a second rainbow is formed with reversed colors (far left). This is caused because there are multiple reflections inside the water droplets. A third rainbow is also formed since light reflected from the lake is also reflected inside the water droplets. Those Norwegians are so lucky to see so many rainbows at once!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

NASA Picture of the Day September 2: South Pole Lunar Eclipse

It is just crazy to think that the moon can be continuously up for 14 days at the South Pole. Since the moon never set, it just kept moving in a continuous line across the sky. It's a little creepy seeing the moon turn red along the eclipse sequence. Props to the photographer for getting such a good picture in -90 F weather. There is a little blurring from the atmosphere, but it is still a fabulous picture!

Monday, September 3, 2007

NASA Picture of the Day August 22: Tentacles of the Tarantula Nebula

It is just incredible that we can see this nebula that is actually in another galaxy! The Tarantula Nebula is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, also known as 30 Doadus. It is the most violent star forming area in the Local Group. It also contains the star cluster R136 which contains some of the biggest and hottest known stars.